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For us, quality cannot be negotiated and the washing process is proof of this. We have always invested in this type of automatic machines that guarantee cleanliness and high quality standards.
But removing all the processing residues of the various production phases is not only an aesthetic advantage, but also guarantees greater product reliability and a significantly increased duration over time.

ELTREV S.r.l. Via XXV Aprile, n.5 - Zona Ind.le Pietrarossa - 06039 TREVI (PG)Info: | Tel: 0742/780559 Fax: 0742/386777Iscrizione Registro Imprese Perugia

C.F. e P.IVA: 01190440543 REA 128410 Capitale Sociale 50.000€ i.v.  SDI 0G6TBBX

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