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Purchasing Department

More and more companies are looking for full account supplies, ELTREV's answer to this market need is a purchasing office, structured in such a way as to be able to manage the procurement of all components, printed circuits, mechanical parts and consumables with independence but always in sharing with the needs of its customers.
In this technical area the customer finds support in the management of:


  • Lead time

  • Criticality of supply

  • Search for alternative components

  • Product cost control

  • Approved Vendor List check

  • Management of the Safety Stock Inventory

  • Time to Market reduction



Furthermore, all the components purchased are cataloged with the assignment of a lot number and stored in specific automatic warehouses, thus starting the traceability and tracing process.

ELTREV S.r.l. Via XXV Aprile, n.5 - Zona Ind.le Pietrarossa - 06039 TREVI (PG)Info: | Tel: 0742/780559 Fax: 0742/386777Iscrizione Registro Imprese Perugia

C.F. e P.IVA: 01190440543 REA 128410 Capitale Sociale 50.000€ i.v.  SDI 0G6TBBX

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